In this blog, I have covered the comparison between two troops. Comparison between Heal Spirit and Skeletons. I have covered topics related to their Speed, Attacks and many more. In the previous article, I have compared Heal Spirit and Ice Spirit if you have not seen it yet then click here. Let's get started with the comparison of the Heal Spirit and Skeletons. I have researched and answered the top 5 questions. Let's begin.


1)Who's the fastest?

  • After checking their speed. The Heal spirit is faster than Skeletons.

2)Who's the better attack?

  • Heal Spirit has a better attack than Skeletons.

3)Who's the better defense?

  • Skeletons have a better defense than Heal Spirit.

4)Who's the strongest? (1vs1)

  • Both are the same.

5)Which is more Resistant?

  • Heal Spirit is more Resistant than Skeletons.
And many more tests were attended. We come across the results Heal Spirit is stronger than Skeletons.

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